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Rulers and Templates
Laser Cutting and Engraving
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Patchwork template Pinwheels 2,5 Inch

Discount: 165 Kč (-35%)
Price: 107 Kč

Patchwork teplate Pinwheels 3,5 inch

Discount: 185 Kč (-10%)
Price: 167 Kč

Patchwork templates Quilt Star

Discount: 359 Kč (-10%)
Price: 323 Kč

Patchwork templates Cathedral Window Large

Discount: 620 Kč (-10%)
Price: 558 Kč

Patchwork templates Winding Ways Small

Discount: 369 Kč (-10%)
Price: 332 Kč

Patchwork templates Cathedral Window Small

Discount: 330 Kč (-10%)
Price: 297 Kč

Patchwork templates SUPER SQUARE 8,5

Discount: 475 Kč (-10%)
Price: 428 Kč

Patchwork templates Moonlight Large

Discount: 519 Kč (-10%)
Price: 467 Kč

Patchwork templates Orange Peel Small

Discount: 299 Kč (-10%)
Price: 269 Kč

Patchwork templates Stargello Quilt

Discount: 269 Kč (-35%)
Price: 175 Kč

Patchwork template Drunkards Path

Discount: 389 Kč (-10%)
Price: 350 Kč

Patchwork template Twisted Log Cabin

Discount: 269 Kč (-10%)
Price: 242 Kč

Patchwork template Wedding Rings

Discount: 519 Kč (-10%)
Price: 467 Kč

Patchwork templates Passacaglia

Discount: 379 Kč (-10%)
Price: 341 Kč

Patchwork template WEST (Clamshell)

Discount: 299 Kč (-10%)
Price: 269 Kč

Patchwork templates Dragon

Discount: 409 Kč (-10%)
Price: 368 Kč

Patchwork templates Winding Ways Large

Discount: 545 Kč (-10%)
Price: 491 Kč

Patchwork templates Winding Plus Star

Discount: 389 Kč (-10%)
Price: 350 Kč

Patchwork Template Storm 4,5

Discount: 299 Kč (-10%)
Price: 269 Kč

Patchwork Template Connect NEON

Discount: 389 Kč (-10%)
Price: 350 Kč

Patchwork templates Blooms Large 30

Discount: 289 Kč (-10%)
Price: 260 Kč

Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus

Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus more photos
Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus Template for sewing squares - Reel Plus
Art. code:
Square Reel Plus
169 Kč (-10%)

This product has already been purchased by 319 customers.


Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Reel 16,5 Inch

Discount: 369 Kč (-10%)
Price: 332 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Orange Peel Small

Discount: 299 Kč (-10%)
Price: 269 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates DP Rainbow

Discount: 220 Kč (-10%)
Price: 198 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Dresden 360/10 Large

Price: 289 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Dresden 360/10 small

Discount: 219 Kč (-14%)
Price: 189 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Heart Small Neon

Discount: 109 Kč (-9%)
Price: 99 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork star - templates Tuesday

Discount: 169 Kč (-10%)
Price: 152 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Monday - Stained glass

Discount: 440 Kč (-10%)
Price: 396 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Reel 8,5 Inch

Discount: 219 Kč (-10%)
Price: 197 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork template We play balls Large

Discount: 299 Kč (-10%)
Price: 269 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Pigtail 4,5

Discount: 184 Kč (-10%)
Price: 166 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Reel 16,5 Inch

Discount: 369 Kč (-10%)
Price: 332 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork teplate Pinwheels 3,5 inch

Discount: 185 Kč (-10%)
Price: 167 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork Template Connect NEON

Discount: 389 Kč (-10%)
Price: 350 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Reel Leaft

Discount: 239 Kč (-10%)
Price: 215 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork Template X Block Large Gold

Discount: 460 Kč (-10%)
Price: 414 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Violet

Discount: 195 Kč (-10%)
Price: 176 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Additional template Reel Triangl

Discount: 149 Kč (-10%)
Price: 134 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Butterfly set of patchwork templates

Discount: 299 Kč (-10%)
Price: 269 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates DresdenStar

Discount: 159 Kč (-10%)
Price: 143 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Template for an arched border on Charm packs 5

Discount: 189 Kč (-10%)
Price: 170 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Saturday

Discount: 309 Kč (-10%)
Price: 278 Kč

Rulers and Templates Templates Patchwork

Patchwork templates Friday

Discount: 149 Kč (-35%)
Price: 97 Kč